刻意減去色相 繁華褪盡的肅穆底
卻仍隱約聽見 秒針還是心搏的滴答或轟然作響
Purposely reducing its hues to reveal a stripped solemn base
Although light and shadow seem to be frozen in time
one can still hear a faint ticking of the second hand or the rumbling of a heartbeat
碾成三度六個面的渾沌 本質是灰色調濃稠糾結
鉛洗過的天地 如同大地蒸騰下的墨雲 湧動層疊
鏝刀絮絮 比照美人顧盼粉妝細膩
巧匠工筆 即使無華亦饒富機趣
The chaos of three angles and six surfaces is an entanglement of greys
The lead-washed earth and sky are like rising ink clouds, swelling and layering
Trowels grating, like a beauty gazing at the details of her makeup
The pen of the artist makes the simple interesting
點 線到面的最簡構成 拿掉不夠成熟的扭捏作態
然後每一回仰望 水平延展和俯視之隙
就能乘著天際線翅膀 飛進充滿想像的個人小劇場
The simple point, line and plane remove any immature posturing
and reveal the most realistic plot
before the focused lenses of the protagonist
Every upward, horizontal and downward look
rides upon the wings of the horizon, flying into the personal theater of the imagination
於畫面前後 悄然豐滿構圖層次
恰如夏夜大三角 橫豎都是迷人存在
The unpredictable cloud lines that smudge the space
A single surface that stretches with its ripples
and the oversized mosaic of old pieces behind the dining table
enrich the layers within the tableau
The luster from the blue velvet sofa and metallic dining chairs
are like the Summer Triangle, a fascinating existence in every way.
我們堅信 設計之於空間
不會只是篤定 或者任性的單行道
所有的美好 都累自面紗揭開前無數次撲騰
畢竟 寶劍鋒從磨礪出
一如既往 擺好持續衝撞之姿
試水溫 秉力道 走曾經堅持的路
期許有朝一日 得見不疾不徐的 收放自如
We firmly believe that the relationship between design and space
is not a willful one-way street
All beautiful things come from an accumulation of countless trials
After all, a sharp blade comes from a grindstone
always ready to collide
Trial and error, grasping the right strength, walking the walk
and hoping one day to be in total command of oneself, without rush.