潘朵拉雖是個 傳說
卻也糾結著浮世裡 芸芸眾生的千般想望
但有沒有這樣一處空間 也能像傳說一樣
寫滿人間的曲折 雄渾 輝煌
同時又能滿足 水泥載體之於人本官能的一切要素
住居 頤樂 飲宴 展示 賦閒 饗聚
全在一個六立方體 而且別有洞天的盒子裡
機能 隱身於工筆無贅之後
巧思 濫觴於信手捻來之間
不疾不徐 心起念動 遊走真實與幻境邊界
Although Pandora is a myth,
she is entangled in the worldly yearnings of mortals.
Is there a place where it could be like in the legends,
full of twists and turns, virility, and magnificence of the mortal world,
while satisfying the cement structure of humanistic senses?
Living, enjoying, feasting, exhibiting, idling, entertaining,
all within a cubic box of exceptional charm.
Function is hidden behind fine brushwork;
Ingenuity finds its source in effortlessness.
Neither fast nor slow, the heart rises and the thoughts move
迎著光 他處移來的梯線於大窗前娉婷矗立
星輝爍爍的崢嶸黑岩牆 似巨人靜默相伴
天地滿目沌灰 夾著迤邐排開的木質紋理
像黏稠且溫暖的胎衣 裹著空間也熨貼著身心靈
都有著詠讚現代高端生活 純粹機能面的小宇宙
Facing the light, the staircase rises in front of the ceiling window.
The sparkling, towering black stone wall is like a silent giant.
The sky and earth are a turbid grey, scattered with wooden grains.
Like sticky-warm afterbirth, they bind the space and stays close to the heart and soul.
Behind the seamless and continuous wooden structure
is a little universe equipped with high-tech functions.
拾階緩步而上 局部的挑高自然有種空靈迴響
四向溫柔的洗牆光勻開深淺 行進間 人彷彿置身雲上
餐廳旁訂製展示檯 以黑色天鵝絨打底
跟時間一樣 越久越見芳華
As you slowly make your way up the steps,
the partially high ceiling space echoes with soul,
the wall lights create a sense of depth, as if you are in the clouds as you ascend.
The display cases next to the kitchen are laid with black velvet,
emitting the warmth and flame of a rare treasure,
which, with time, becomes ever more beautiful.
不減空間卷軸上 逐寸流露的工藝鋒芒
如同費心織就的錦繡 絲縷都經過反覆思量
末了 感官的衝突猶如厚實編鐘
一經擊響總是磬聲清亮 餘韻繞樑
Although its true brilliance is obfuscated,
the handicraft that reveals itself inch by inch throughout the space
is like a meticulously woven brocade, every thread carefully considered.
At the end, your senses will be like heavy bronze bells
giving off a crisp and bright sound with a blow, that reverberates through the air.